Huddle Muddle. Privacy & Cookie Policy.
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Privacy & Cookie Policy

  1. Introduction
    1. Huddle Muddle™ is owned and operated by Huddle Muddle Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 10590685 and with its registered office at 5 Luke Street, London, United Kingdom (we, us). By using Huddle Muddle™, you agree to be bound by this privacy & cookie policy (the Privacy & Cookie Policy). This Privacy & Cookie Policy affects your legal rights and obligations so please read it carefully. If you do not agree to be bound by this Privacy & Cookie Policy, do not use Huddle Muddle™. If you have any questions, you can contact us at
    2. We reserve the right to update this Privacy & Cookie Policy from time to time at our discretion. If we do so, the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Privacy & Cookie Policy so that you are aware of any changes to it. However, if we reasonably believe that the change to the Privacy & Cookie Policy is significant, we shall notify all registered users by email
    3. This Privacy & Cookie Policy applies to all users of Huddle Muddle™ and to anyone else who provides information to us.
    4. We are the data controller of all personal data that you provide to us.
  2. Collecting Your Data
    1. You must provide your name and email address when you register on Huddle Muddle™. You must not register under someone else’s name. As part of your use of Huddle Muddle™, you can create a profile and communicate with other users. When you do so, we shall collect any other personal data that you post to Huddle Muddle™. You can also provide to us the names and email addresses of your friends so that we can invite them to join Huddle Muddle™. You agree that you have received the permission of your friends to provide their names and email addresses to us for this purpose, and you shall provide evidence of such consent if we ask you to do so. As part of Huddle Muddle™, you can access a map to locate matches or practice sessions. If you use that function, we will collect information about where you may be at a particular time to the extent you have provided that information while using Huddle Muddle™.
    2. When you use Huddle Muddle™, we or third parties on our behalf, automatically collect and store information about your device and your activities. This information could include (a) your computer or other device’s unique ID number; (b) your mobile device’s geographic location; (c) your IP address; (d) technical information about your device such as type of device, web browser or operating system; (e) your preferences and settings such as time zone and language; (f) how long you used the website and which services and features you used.
    3. We also allow advertisers and advertising networks to collect information about your computer or mobile device, activities, and geographic location to enable them to display targeted ads to you and provide us with anonymous information about our users’ behaviour.
  3. Use of your personal data
    1. We shall use your personal data to (a) enable you to access and use Huddle Muddle™; (b) contact you to remind you about your activities booked and/or arranged on Huddle Muddle™; and (c) enable others to interact with you on Huddle Muddle™ in accordance with the Terms of Use, and you understand that as a result we can view your interactions.
    2. In addition, we may use your personal data to (a) prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities that we may reasonably suspect you have carried out and accordingly enforce the Terms of Use; (b) diagnose and fix problems you raise in relation to Huddle Muddle™; and (c) on an anonymous basis, for research purposes, identifying trends and for our general business purposes, to customise, measure and improve our services, content and advertising.
    3. Except as set out above, we do not share personal data with third parties, except (a) to respond to legal requirements or protect a third party’s rights, property, or safety; (b) to any service providers, sub-contractors and agents that we may appoint to perform functions on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions; and (c) in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company.
    4. We shall delete your personal data if you ask us to do so, see Condition 7 below, or if you have not accessed or used your Huddle Muddle™ account for 18 (eighteen) months.
  4. Where we store your personal data
    1. Some or all of your personal data may be stored or transferred outside of the European Economic Area (the EEA) for any reason, including for example, if our email server is located in a country outside the EEA or if any of our service providers are based outside of the EEA. You are deemed to accept and agree to this by using the system and submitting information to us.
    2. If we do store or transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the EEA.
  5. Cookies
    1. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred (through your browser) from a website to the hard drive of your computer. These files are then used by websites to identify when users revisit that website and to enable secure login. We also use cookies to retain recent User Content that you have uploaded to Huddle Muddle™ to save you recreating such information.
    2. The Site uses cookies so that we can recognize you when you return and personalize your settings and preferences. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can change your browser settings either to notify you when you have received a cookie, or to refuse to accept cookies. Please note that Huddle Muddle™ may not operate efficiently if you refuse to accept cookies.
    3. We also use third party analytic services to monitor how Huddle Muddle™ is used. These analytic services collect information anonymously and generate reports detailing information such as the number of visits to the Site, where visitors generally came from, how long they stayed on the Site, and which pages they visited. The analytic service provider places several persistent cookies on your computer’s hard drive. These do not collect any personal data. If you do not agree to this you can disable persistent cookies in your browser. This will prevent analytic service provider from logging your visits.
  6. Security
    1. We shall process your personal data in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures. However, no system can be completely secure. Therefore, we do not promise that your personal data or other content that you upload to Huddle Muddle™ will always remain secure.
  7. Your rights
    1. You have the right to obtain from us a copy of the personal data that we hold for you, and to require us to correct errors in the personal data that we process for you if it is inaccurate or incomplete. You also have the right at any time to require that we delete your personal data. To exercise these rights, or any other rights you may have under applicable laws, please contact us at
    2. Please note, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
    3. If you have any complaints in relation to this policy or otherwise in relation to our processing of your personal data, you should contact the Information Commissioner, see
  8. General
    1. If any provision of this Privacy & Cookie Policy is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
    2. This Privacy & Cookie Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Last updated: 28th May 2018

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