Huddle Muddle. Team Creation.
Forgotten your password?

Don't worry we will help you reset it.

We have sent you an email to reset your password.

Thank you for joining Huddle Muddle.

We are still on an invite-only phase but soon you will be able to access all the exciting features of Huddle Muddle.

We will send you an email soon to let you know when you can easily connect and chat with your teammates in one place.

Setup complete

Nice one!

Your emails will be sent out shortly.


You can prioritise players and edit team details at anytime.

See the team
1 Date, time and place.

This will be the subject line of the emails you set up in step 3.

The time your team plays or your event starts.

The location of your game or event. *huddlemuddle takes no responsibilty for the booking or organisation of a venue or location.

Include any additional information here. (max: 150 characters) E.g.: Bring your own equipment / Be there 15 minutes before for a warm up / Last one there gets a forfeit.

The day your team plays or your event is on.

huddlemuddle trademark
Please click on the pin to choose a location
Step 1 incomplete

This is the entire list of email contacts for your team, including substitutes and extras, who may only feature from time to time.

One team: Select this if you are setting up one team. Two sides: Select this if you are setting up two competing teams.

Choose your sport or activity. If you cannot find the sport or activity you are looking for, select 'other' and type the name.

Select the maximum number of fielded players needed for the event / game

Select the minimum number of players needed for the event / game to go ahead

Select the maximum number of subs needed for the event / game

Step 2 incomplete

Select the date and time for your 'who is in' email to be sent.

Select the date and time for an updated teamsheet email to be sent. This will allow everyone to see who is involved. The date and time can be amended to a suit your preferences.

Select the date and time for your final teamsheet email to be sent. If you selected two sides, the teams will be automatically split and randomised.

Select the date and time for your 'Need a hero' email to be sent out. If you are short of players, this email can be sent to everyone on your team contact list to see if anyone can add additional players.

Step 3 incomplete